Feel the Upgrade
Contacts – Alpana
ALPANA d.o.o.
Headquarters, Warehouse
Cesta 24 Junija 88,
1231 Slovenia, EU
Headquarters, Warehouse
E-mail: info@alpana.eu
Telephone: +386 1 7774103
Head of Sales
Maria Iakymenko

T: +386 51 669 629
E: clientservice@alpana.eu
L: Eng, Slo

Head of production and quality control
Aleksander Obdula
T: +386 1 777 41 03
E: office110@alpana.eu
Sales Assistant
Julia Partola

T: +386 041 718 867 (WhatsApp)
E: sales@alpana.eu
L: Eng, Slo

Marketing and promotion
Andrei Golubnik

T: +386 31 018 611 (WhatsApp)
E: marketing@alpana.eu

Supply Manager
Nataliya Starovoytova

T: +386 51 664 938 (Whats App)
E: new.supply@alpana.eu

Write to us

If you’d like to make an order or an enquire, please, enter the message in the form and send it. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Order samples
Send your information and we will contact you with details on providing samples.
Samples are available in diameters up to 60 mm depending on stock availability!
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Black Friday

Get the best prices right now!!!
or register on our B2B portal

or contact us:
+386 1 777 41 03

50% discount
on in-stock items